10th July 2018 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sports Day


27th June 2018
Dear Parent/Carer


Re.Timetable for Sports Day Tuesday 10th July 2018


All children need to come into school wearing their PE kit wearing sunscreen and an appropriate hat with a bottle of cold water.  Sunscreen can also be re-applied by the children during the day if they are able to do it themselves.


Sports day agenda.


KS1 events 9am – 10.30am


KS2 events 10.45am -12pm


Lunch whole school – Picnic 12pm-12.45pm the picnic option available on the day will be as per Wednesday Week 3 choice (Wraps) with vegetable sticks and crisps, or alternatively you can provide your own.  (Note that Wednesday’s meal will be the Tuesday choice of Southern Fried Chicken Breast or Quorn.)


1.10pm – Parents will be admitted to spectate races starting at 1.15pm

Younger siblings will be supervised within school until the relevant pick up time


EY/KS1 races 1.15pm-2pm [parents pick up from hall/EYFS door upon finishing]


KS2 races 2.15pm -3pm [Parents pick up from classrooms]


THERE ARE NO CLUBS BEING HELD THIS DAY so your child will need to be collected at either 2pm (KS1) or 3pm (KS2) as above.


Thank you for your assistance, we look forward to seeing you all on the day.


Mr Coster